"At times, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the subject of misconceptions."
What misconceptions???...
that you are against higher education,
that you are as a religious group one of the least educated,
that you advise suicidal victims to pray more, don't fail Jehovah and don't listened to the taunter, instead of advising the victim to seek professional help,
that you encourage homophobia,
that you protect pedophiles and money more than children,
that you promote a persecution complex among your members in order to distrust outsiders including government and media,
that you tailor your Bible to your preconceived ideas.
that you destroy families by prohibiting contact with those whose only "sin" is to use critical thinking skills and research
No, those are misconceptions, those are facts that are proven by the evidence in your speeches, written material, policies, manuals, videos, books, assemblies' lectures.